Showing posts with label diy - 改造.轻装修. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diy - 改造.轻装修. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

DIY hemp string hanging lamp

Wanted to make this lamp ever since I saw it on pinterest.
After a looong search, finally found the hemp string needed at Mr. DIY shop.

And so the project begins...

Have all the materials ready: 

1. Glue 
2. Hemp string
3. Balloon/ inflatable ball (It should be the size you expect the lamp to be)
* I chose balloon so I can control whatever size I prefer
4. Newspaper to avoid the mess
5. Something to station the ball ( I just taped it to a basket)

1. Rub glue on the hemp string part by part, and start wrapping it around the ball.
You can also get a disposable plate and dip the string in glue instead of applying it to the string by section.

2. After almost and hour of wrapping, the lamp shade is done!!
In case you're wondering why the balloon colour is different, 
the white 1 burst in the process and I gotta start over with a new one. T_T
That's the drawback of using a balloon I guess....

3. Leave the lamp to dry until the shape is fixed. 
I left mine for one day. Then deflate the balloon. 

4. Pull the light source through the centre and fix it.
(I just tie mine with the remaining hemp string)

For the light, you can get a ready cord set and just fix the bulb, 
or get the parts (wire, socket, bulb) and assemble them yourself. 

Finally, hang your lamp wherever it's intended. 
And voila!! A personalised DIY hemp string lamp is completed  ~
I'm very happy with mine and it all costs less than RM15 

Monday, January 21, 2013

DIY: daiso wool felt bunny

Saw some wool felt animal crafting kit at Daiso for RM5. 
Got this cute bunny to be my first wool felt project. :)

Everything needed for the project is included:
wool, felting needle, accessories (eyes, beads, chain etc)

There's even extra ones for some of the tinier accessories. 
In case some got lost.

1. Roll the wool into a ball shape. Still a big round shape now.

2. Start felting. The process is just repetitively pricking at the wool.
The wool got smaller and firmer into a tiny ball. That's the bunny's head.

3. Next up is the ears. Roll 2 long stripes and felt into ears.
Leave the end without felting so it's still soft and furry.
Attach the  furry end to bunny's head and prick those into the head so it get's attached.

So far so good! :)

4. Rolling the pink wool into nose and mouth is the craziest part.
Things got out of hand at this point. >o<
The bunny's head kept rolling around so the nose got felt all over it and end up in a big lump.

5. Attach the eyes and bead for body. 
Voila! My first woolen felt bunny.
Quite pleased with myself except for the nose part. :p 

If you like handmade and crafts I think the kit is a good thing to get.
It's basic and mini so beginners won't get overwhelmed, 
plus it's cheap so you can always get another one if the first one didn't work out. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011


就开始囤积了很多布料, 结果都被堆在抽屉里被遗忘。



1. Jusco 文具部买的file ring 和纸夹,二合一 combine 起来,
变身窗帘夹。不到 RM10。

2. 量布和剪出窗口的长X宽。记得每边预留额外长度, 约4cm。
(我用 agak 的, 都说了叫随兴窗帘,总之长过窗口没关系,

3. 把预留的边边缝起来。

4. 把缝好的布用step 1 的夹子夹起来。滑进窗帘杆里。

虽然对我来说稍嫌女性化, 可是与其买新的还不如物尽其用啊!
有时间再做个另一个替换。: )

Monday, October 24, 2011


自从粉刷了feature wall 后,

因为浴室门是类似 plastic 的滑面材质, 


震得我手发麻,耳朵快聋了才把表面磨好(其实是磨坏): p

在 store room 翻找时被我发现到用剩的白色油性漆。


就这样刷了又停, 停了又刷,从天亮油到天黑,

上了漆后, 收拾和洗刷也让我折腾了一晚上。
之后还要流离失所(寄宿妹妹的房间), 让房间空置几天,等漆味消散才可以回归,
堪称我 DIY 史上最刻苦的工程。

出来的效果让我十分, 非常,超级满意!!
每次看到脱胎换骨的它都让我超得意的。 ^O^

1. 在房里点蜡烛
2. 装盆清水或加了醋的水 
3. 摆放茶叶或面包

Feature wall上妆之粉饰太平

决定动动手给房间来个小改造, 换换心情。
选个feature wall, 刷上颜色, 正好掩饰岁月的痕迹,顺便美化一下。

*before~  惨白的墙

在某个早晨, 我带着铁一般的意志克服了最艰难的任务 ~
(因为偷懒只刷了一层,油漆干后才发现油得不均, 这是后话了)T_T


完工后, 看着自己的杰作真的很有成就感!
可因为是自己努力的成果, 特别有感情。
也激发了过后一连串的diy project。

*锵锵锵锵~ 完成图