Friday, January 28, 2011

Langkawi trip 之跟着走

自从在朋友照片中看到 Langkawi 的 Sky Bridge 之后, 就一直想要去亲身体验一下。

这次得知小J 的武术朋友聚会在Langkawi 举行, 我也就厚脸皮的跟去了。

Check in 后, 第一站就是让我好奇很久的缆车和 Sky Bridge。

缆车真的....很高. 而且很....慢。 对畏高的我简直是折磨。 (强烈建议"携带"有趣的朋友转移注意力 :p)

走在 Sky Bridge 上非常平稳, 几乎忘了它其实是座吊桥。 气候凉凉的, 俯瞰整个岛, 是个不错的体验。  

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桥上的风景。 来过的朋友说,在这里可以看到漂亮的日落。 由于大家都饿坏了没办法等到黄昏, 这是最后拍下的景象。


第二天去了Island hopping。  第一个岛是让我们游泳的。 可是海底好多石头, 一停下来就踩到, 游了一阵子就游不下去了, 又不是游泳比赛。

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兴高采烈的一票人, 刚出海的样子。 大家都好活泼。 最活泼那个拿相机。:D


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接着去喂鹰。 只有船夫在喂, 我们看。 爱鸟类摄影的记得带相机, 真的好多老鹰。 IMG_1980 copy.jpg

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最后景点是孕妇岛。 传说浸过那里的湖水就会有孕。 不会游泳的记得把救生衣带下船, 要不然就要另外租咯。

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孕妇岛, 象个躺着的孕妇。右边是头, 然后身体, 还有大肚子。


回hotel 休息后, 下午去玩water sports. 长这么大第一次玩banana boat.....才"恍然大悟"原来重点是"这个"啊?! (=O=!!) 没玩过的去试试看吧。

其它时间就在吃吃喝喝中度过了(beer 真的好便宜啊, 以前没在喝不知道)。


缆车和 Sky Bridge 资料:

Publish Rates

Children (3 – 12 yrs old)RM18.00
Student (Letter from School required)RM18.00

Discount price will be given to Malaysian with MYKAD, purchase at ticket counter only.


Monday – Thursday10.00am - 18.00pm
Wednesday12.00pm - 18.00pm
Friday – Sunday & Public Holiday09.30am - 19.00pm

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My neighbour - the drama

Woke up today just like any ordinary day, preparing to go to work.

Sis is having driving exam today, so we talked abit outside our front door.

Suddenly the next door uncle appear out of nowhere and started cursing at us. It's just like in the drama, cursing, yelling with exagerated hand gesture and even "invited" us to a fight. He was so convinced that we purposely make noises late last night to "cari pasal" with them.....which is very imaginative because it's not like we even have any arguments or reason to hold grudge against them.

After rounds of "heated" discussion i got bored of the repetitive argument and leave my sis to it since i still NEED TO WORK.

What a drama to jump start my day....

Like all good drama, the story has an unexpected ending. Turn out it was Mr A staying next door to our neighbour doing "construction" and our neighbour is actually well aware about that. So why come and scold us?? it's still a mystery.... =.=!!

The whole drama got me thinking, it really takes a lot of trust, understanding & open communication for people to get along.  If we had trust, he would have believed us when we told him it's not us. If we have openly talked about it then we'd discover earlier who's the "culprit" instead of each suspecting the other party.

But then again, we wouldn't have this drama to spice things up if we did all of the above won't we....heh :p ~

Sunday, January 2, 2011


对这次太平湖之游印象深刻。 全因一场雨。

随处走走, 瞄到湖面远处一片磷光...于是驻足想看明白...

拉了小J 跟我一起猜是什么。 两人看得入神, 在意识到时光点好靠近了, 闻到似曾相识的味道。 是雨!!


无奈小J 身上有相机, 两人像被追杀样狂奔, 边跑边看哪儿有避雨的地方。

直跑到亭子, 两人气喘吁吁的对望了一下对方的狼狈样, 笑了起来。


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El Mondo 2010 May

在Krystal Point 的 El Mondo 吃到挺满足的意大利餐。

我们叫了pasta, pizza, tiramisu。 除pizza没什么惊喜外, 其他食物都让我们大满足啦!! o(>o<)o

还有值得一提的是其中一杯有hazelnut的饮料, 忘了什么名, 但是香醇的口感和hazelnut的香味都让我们像中奖样开心。 三人轮流喝一杯 :p



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Saturday, January 1, 2011


这次跨年, 没有倒数...

倒是写下了不少new year resolution。 原本不多的, 因为离12点还久, 想着写着, list 越来越长 :p

新年第一天, 写下这篇, 为其中一个 resolution  踏出第一步

也提醒自己其它有待实现的愿望 :)