Friday, February 25, 2011

Kellie Castle

一个病恹恹的星期日早上, 眼看就要让我窝在床上虚度了,小J 提议到邻近的怡保去逛逛 Kellie's Castle 转换心情, 顺便把两个闲在家里的妹妹也一起带去。

对古堡没有太大兴趣, 一路上倒是想好了要吃的东西, 盐焗鸡, 沙河粉, 芽菜鸡和豆花。抱着野餐的心情买了盐焗鸡去参观 Kellie's Castle。 城堡前隔着一条河, 让我联想到古老的城堡,喷火的恐龙, 浮想连篇。

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Kellie's Castle 的兴建在我听来是个悲伤的故事。 堡主 William Kellie Smith 对这座城堡有很大的期待,很多别出心裁的构思 (马来亚第一个升降梯,室内网球场,天台庭院等等), 为了实现这些, Kellie 砸下重资, 却在建筑过程中遇到很多波折, 续工人们染上 Spain Flu 纷纷倒下后, Kellie 也在一次旅途中染上肺炎逝世, 他的心血最终没能完成。    走在这个百年历史的建筑物里, 看着百年前留下的建筑材料, 心里怅怅的, 有种物是人非的惆怅。离开前听 J 说起这里还有条秘密隧道, 好奇心立刻点燃, 说什么都非要去看一下不可。 从走道进入地下室酒窟, 慢慢被黑暗吞噬, 周围凉凉的,透着霉味, 手机的微弱光线只照出小小的范围,心在每个转角都绷得好紧, 好怕会看见什么。 仿佛过了好久, 终于在小小的空间里找到了曾经是秘密隧道的入口, 如今已被封了起来。看着封口, 我心里还在交战着(又可惜又松口气), 同行的3人已经立刻任务达成样往回走, 留我断后, 我也只好急忙赶上。(等等我!走最后很可怕啦!>O<)

后来上网得知这条是通往印度神庙的隧道, 忍不住又觉得没能走看看很可惜。(这个印度神庙在 Kellie's Castle 故事里有重要角色的哦, 详情请看's_Castle


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*当天还有不知名电视台来录制纪录片。 有人看过这个主持人吗?

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* 四个人超饿,三两下解决掉盐焗鸡


探险后,为求心安决定到附近的庙拜拜。意外发现到好地方。 这里集合了各国不同的祈拜方式和传说, 还有很多适合拍照的小景。

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  * 许愿树

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* 放生后留下的鸟笼。 还留字条leh “它已经自由了!" 幽默到...

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* 晴天娃娃裙底风光

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* 妹妹在示范高难度许愿法。要闭着眼走完所有石头才能许愿哦!

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* 这道楼梯就是我们被吸引来的原因。远处看来梯子一直蜿蜒到山顶没入树林里。好有想象空间...可惜太迟了没有爬到。

安了心, 是时候祭五脏庙了。 由于豆花下午就卖完了, 只吃到怡保有名的老黄芽菜鸡和河粉。 这一餐应该说是今天的败笔了, 鸡肉渗血, 河粉又透着碱水味, 让原本很 high 的大家大失望。

就这样又有了再来怡保的理由。 下次要试试别家的芽菜鸡。 还有一定要吃到豆花!!!:D


Kellie's Castle

地址 : KM 5.5, Jalan Gopeng, Batu Gajah, Perak.

GPS : N 4° 28.525     E 101° 05.262

入门票:RM4/ 成人

* Dated 13 Nov 2010

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

SkyTrex Adventure

Bored of the day to day working life, I decided to give myself a thrill to feel ALIVE again! Along with 2 other "fun seeking" members, we went for the extreme challenge at SkyTrex last weekend. After equipted with protective equiptments, there's an initiation circuit where we learn how to use the equiptments and had a mini practice session. Then, off to the real track ...


* The skytrex challengers :D...waiting to climb up the first station. This photo was taken by SkyTrex photographer and posted to their FB account "SkyTrex adventure" (nowadays everybody also got FB)


We waited at the queue to climb up a hanging ladder to reach the first station. It was such a loong wait that our anxiety worn off, but as soon as it's our turn, I got all nervous again. :p The ladder climbing is definitely the hardest and scariest part (if you don't have the stamina. like me T_T) 1/3 up the ladder my hands were soooo sore from holding on to the ladder it's all wobbly, 1/2 way up the ladder I was stopping every few steps to regain my breath and to give my hands a break. 

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* A challenger suffering at the ladder to big thrill. hehehe (evil grin). Didn't took pic for the extreme challenge due to phone was already kept in the locker.

After what seems like ages, I finally reach the platform for the first challenge - flying fox. YAY!!~ Although its my 3rd time doing flying fox, looking down from that height still got my heart racing! It sure is high!! o_o Due to the staffs are only stationed on some of the platforms (stated in T&C: minimal supervison mah), I had to attach the protective equiptment myself. Then, comes the unsettling part. Nobody to assure you the equipment is setup correctly, nope. Nobody to tell you, "ok, now jump" (no momentum lah). Everything is in your OWN hands.


So I double check the equiptment, took a deep breath, and, leap off. WooahOOo.......sliding at speed feeling the wind on my face  sure feels good. The flying fox ends at another platform, where a different challenge awaits. We move on challenge by challenge, from one tree to another. "Enjoying" the forest view from a different perspective. It truly is a must try experience! :)

Some of the challenges. Photos courtesy of SkyTrex.


Course info from Skytrex:

Extreme Challenge: " This new circuit is the latest addition to the park and boasts 34 extreme challenges with some platforms reaching the height of 22 meters.  A demanding experience for the adrenaline junkies, it is the final step in discovering the pleasure of skytrex's high rope courses. "

Time to complete: Approximately 2 - 3 hours
Minimum height requirement:
1.4 m

For more details:

Monday, February 7, 2011

A visit to Ecco Cafe

Sis had a flight to catch in the afternoon. We decided to head off earlier to try out Ecco cafe at Chulia Street which many had blogged about.

Shooting away at the cafe's interior while waiting for food. :D

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There's a wide selection of pizza to choose from, all looking very tempting.

The pizza turn out just how we like it, thin and crispy crust with rich toppings.

First time trying out pesto pasta. It was love at first bite. Compare to red & white sauce, this is much refreshing with scent of herbs. 

A good choice if you're looking for something light.

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Love blackboards!!~ o(^o^)o

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Some shots taken along the alley heading towards Ecco cafe.

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Ecco Cafe
402 Chulia Street,
George Town, Penang, Malaysia

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Christmas 2010


 I've always wanted to decorate a christmas tree. This year, I finally got the chance.


 Decorating christmas tree, the progress.

Christmas 2010

Had korean BBQ with Jo using multipurpose cooker. Stuffed!!

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After meal, two of us took random portrait shots using the tree as prop.

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Christmas 2010

Bunnies like getting their portraits taken too!~ :D

Christmas 2010 

Got Jo a penguin snowglobe as christmas gift.

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