Bored of the day to day working life, I decided to give myself a thrill to feel ALIVE again! Along with 2 other "fun seeking" members, we went for the extreme challenge at SkyTrex last weekend. After equipted with protective equiptments, there's an initiation circuit where we learn how to use the equiptments and had a mini practice session. Then, off to the real track ...

* The skytrex challengers :D...waiting to climb up the first station. This photo was taken by SkyTrex photographer and posted to their FB account "SkyTrex adventure" (nowadays everybody also got FB)
We waited at the queue to climb up a hanging ladder to reach the first station. It was such a loong wait that our anxiety worn off, but as soon as it's our turn, I got all nervous again. :p The ladder climbing is definitely the hardest and scariest part (if you don't have the stamina. like me T_T) 1/3 up the ladder my hands were soooo sore from holding on to the ladder it's all wobbly, 1/2 way up the ladder I was stopping every few steps to regain my breath and to give my hands a break.

* A challenger suffering at the ladder to big thrill. hehehe (evil grin). Didn't took pic for the extreme challenge due to phone was already kept in the locker.
After what seems like ages, I finally reach the platform for the first challenge - flying fox. YAY!!~ Although its my 3rd time doing flying fox, looking down from that height still got my heart racing! It sure is high!! o_o Due to the staffs are only stationed on some of the platforms (stated in T&C: minimal supervison mah), I had to attach the protective equiptment myself. Then, comes the unsettling part. Nobody to assure you the equipment is setup correctly, nope. Nobody to tell you, "ok, now jump" (no momentum lah). Everything is in your OWN hands.
So I double check the equiptment, took a deep breath, and, leap off. WooahOOo.......sliding at speed feeling the wind on my face sure feels good. The flying fox ends at another platform, where a different challenge awaits. We move on challenge by challenge, from one tree to another. "Enjoying" the forest view from a different perspective. It truly is a must try experience! :)
Some of the challenges. Photos courtesy of SkyTrex.

Course info from Skytrex:
Extreme Challenge: " This new circuit is the latest addition to the park and boasts 34 extreme challenges with some platforms reaching the height of 22 meters. A demanding experience for the adrenaline junkies, it is the final step in discovering the pleasure of skytrex's high rope courses. "
Time to complete: Approximately 2 - 3 hours
Minimum height requirement: 1.4 m
For more details: