位于Celebes 海, 沙巴Semporna以南35公里。这是一座深海岛屿,面积约4万平方米,
"Sipadan is the only oceanic island in Malaysia, rising 600 metres (2,000 ft) from the seabed.
It is located in the Celebes Sea off the east coast of Sabah, East Malaysia (which is on the island of Borneo). Sipadan has been rated by many dive journals as one of the top destinations for diving in the world." - wikipedia
趁着神山KK 之行,
我和J 决定顺道去沙巴另一个向往已久的景点- Sipadan 岛。
Since we're already in Sabah for mount Kinabalu hike,
位于Celebes 海, 沙巴Semporna以南35公里。这是一座深海岛屿,面积约4万平方米,
"Sipadan is the only oceanic island in Malaysia, rising 600 metres (2,000 ft) from the seabed.
It is located in the Celebes Sea off the east coast of Sabah, East Malaysia (which is on the island of Borneo). Sipadan has been rated by many dive journals as one of the top destinations for diving in the world." - wikipedia
趁着神山KK 之行,
我和J 决定顺道去沙巴另一个向往已久的景点- Sipadan 岛。
Sipadan 岛不开放住宿, 所以我们就住在邻近的Mabul 岛。
从KK 到Mabul,水陆空的交通都让我们坐遍了。
Since we're already in Sabah for mount Kinabalu hike,
me and J decided we couldn't missed out on visiting the famous Sipadan island.
Staying on Sipadan is no longer allowed, so we stayed in a neighbouring island - Mabul.
We travelled by all means of transport to get from KK to Mabul. lol
KK -> Tawau (flight) -> Semporna (land transport provided by Sipadan Mabul Resort) -> Mabul (boat)
As soon as the water bungalow and crystal clear water appear on sight,
I'm in love~
Sipadan Mabul Resort (SMART) 分成岛上和水上两处住宿。
我们住的是Land Resort, 由 resort 的小车子把我们送过去。
吹着凉风一路开过水上木桥, 穿过绿意映然的小径, 心情说不出的轻松。
Sipadan Mabul Resort (SMART) has two sections. We're staying in the land resort instead of the water bungalow which is way more expensive.
The ride to the land resort was like a preview to the journey that awaits us on the island.
It's so relaxing to ride through the crystal clear waters and shades of green.
Had a balcony facing the sea, what more can I ask for~
Cool logo from various diving associations
餐厅里挂着潜水时间表, 写着第二天的出海航班,地点, 船员和会合时间。
不想出海的时候就在板上注明, 简单方便。
Board displaying dive schedules, we just need to indicate on the board if we're not going for a dive.
Simple and effective~
因为到达当天没有出海, 我们索性来个岛上探险。
Mabul 岛不大, 步行环岛大概只须1-2小时。
No dives were arranged since it's our first day there. We decided to explore the island.
Mabul island is pretty small, you can round the island in less than 2 hours.
We took longer of course, to wander off and exploring every this and that.
No dives were arranged since it's our first day there. We decided to explore the island.
Mabul island is pretty small, you can round the island in less than 2 hours.
We took longer of course, to wander off and exploring every this and that.
不时看到他们在海里游泳戏耍, 划着小船到处去。
Everywhere we go, we can see kids swimming, fooling around and boating in the sea.
The sea is their playground.
没有电脑和iPad, 大家还在玩着我小时候玩的游戏。
bakuli (弹珠), 跳飞机, 滚轮胎我没玩过。 想当年啊...
No internet nor iPad.
Kids are still playing what we played in the good old days (sounds very old huh...:p)
bakuli (弹珠), 跳飞机, 滚轮胎我没玩过。 想当年啊...
No internet nor iPad.
Kids are still playing what we played in the good old days (sounds very old huh...:p)
or helping out with household chores
勾起童年回忆的杂货店, 五彩缤纷的零食, 很吸引人。
东摸摸,西看看, 还卖着小时吃的泡泡糖, 忍不住买了一堆回去, 坐在阳台上慢慢‘叹“。
The grocery stores are still so "old style", brings back lots of memories.
They even sell the bubble gums I used to have as a kid. I couldn't help myself but to buy loads of them and enjoy them while lazing around on the balcony.
从桥上看下去, 就能看见各色各样的鱼和珊瑚。
A lot of the time we were just standing on one of the many resort bridges and marvelling at fishes and corals.
A lot of the time we were just standing on one of the many resort bridges and marvelling at fishes and corals.
到 Sipadan 岛潜水需要许可证, 一天只发120个。
我们幸运的第一天就可以到 Sipadan 岛去。
只是浮潜就已经看到好多海洋生物(鲨鱼, 海龟,狮子鱼,各种不知名的鱼类,
最难忘的还是在看不到尽头的jack fish 鱼群里游泳。
Sipadan Island is limited to 120 visitors per day.
We were lucky enough to be able to visit it on our first day diving because two other visitors had to cancel their dive last minute.
Sipadan Island is limited to 120 visitors per day.
We were lucky enough to be able to visit it on our first day diving because two other visitors had to cancel their dive last minute.
It is the most amazing experience I've ever had.
Even though I was just snorkelling, I got to see sooo many spectacular marine creatures.
The corals are so vibrant and alive,
sharks, turtles, lion fish, and countless fishes just swimming all around you.
Not to mention swimming among a school of jack fish....they're all around you, it's like a storm of fishes.
It's something you have to experience for yourself to understand ~
Sipadan 岛的海水
By the beach on Sipadan Island...
Sipadan Mabul Resort 的沙滩上有3处海龟下蛋的地方。
There were 3 turtle nesting spots on the beach of our resort.
We were strolling along after lunch one of the days and were lucky to be the first to discover baby turtles hatching out.

There were 3 turtle nesting spots on the beach of our resort.
We were strolling along after lunch one of the days and were lucky to be the first to discover baby turtles hatching out.
工作人员把坑挖开来,帮他们一把。洞真的很深一下, 换我也迷路啦~
Staff from the resort helped the other ones who couldn't find their way out.
He had to dig quite deep before discovering the remaining turtles...yayy
没出海的时候在Mabul 岛周围kayaking。
套J 的说法:海星像石头一样多。
The times when we didn't go snorkeling, we spent kayaking around Mabul island instead.
You can spot so many starfish that J commented they were like stones on the road.
Marvelling at the beautiful skyline and people coming home from sea
岛上的夜晚, 繁星点点。
The night is fill with stars
The night is fill with stars
像是欢送会一样, 在Mabul 的最后一晚是grill night。
各种烤肉, 海鲜, 烤肉酱, 沙拉和我最爱的马铃薯, 还有西瓜和芒果...大满足!
On our last night at SMART resort, they had the grill night. We had a big enjoyable feast.
On our last night at SMART resort, they had the grill night. We had a big enjoyable feast.
期待下次可以克服心理障碍, 考了执照来潜水咯~
Can't wait to be back!!
Wish I'd overcome my fear of water and gotten my diving license by then ~