Friday, August 3, 2012

Ho Chi Minh City 匆匆一瞥

Went to Ho Chi Minh at the beginning of the year for a training.
The class finished off in the evening, leaving me only night time to visit the city.
Here's a short post of what I remember of the city....

每天下课后天都黑了, 尽管努力探索还是没法好好体验这座城市。

Spotted another motorcyclist with incredible balancing skill!~
越南的的摩托骑士 一个比一个厉害。 这个载着小山一样的藤椅~

A very "skilful" lady rowing the boat with her feet.
在西贡河上用脚划船的又一个高人 :o

Drive pass a big park and saw many people relaxing there.
Love the atmosphere, great place for a sketch too.
看起来好舒服。 是个写生的好地方。

Teenagers taking photo outside Notre Dame Cathedral
Notre Dame 教堂外。

Construction workers having their dinner
beside the fountain in front of Saigon opera house - a big contrast.
That's the strongest impression I have about Vietnam after the trip.


Lights and decoration everywhere due to Chinese New Year is around the corner.
Felt more festive than it is in Malaysia.
因为靠近新年, 街上都是灯饰和华丽的布置。

Saigon opera house

Cruise on the Saigon river with dinner and performance. 
The scene isn't spectacular,
but sitting on the deck with wind in my hair and taking in the view was enjoyable.


A local classmate brought us to this bbq dinner

He cheekily ordered this dish which look like just normal bird's egg until I peeled one
just to discover to my horror it's a fertilized embryo >o<"

I ate it anyway, grabbing a beer on my other hand just in case...
Turns out it tasted alright, once you get over its look and texture :p

(注意是看起来而已, 因为我后来发现我们错得很厉害。这是恶作剧吧?)

当时真的是又怕又好奇, 抓着啤酒杯准备一不对劲就把它灌下去。
结果...还 OK 嘞~
 味道稍微腥一点, 咬着会吃到软骨和羽毛, 其它的都正常。

Wanting to make full use of my last night in Vietnam, I went to a flower market after dinner.

It was really late but crowds were still coming in, even children.

听说有因为新年开到很夜的花市, 便在餐后去逛逛看。
花市很大, 而且十一点多了还很热闹, 大人小孩都有。

Snapped this picture before leaving around midnight. 
The shop owner was already sound asleep on his chair.
Good night and bye ~

再见咯 ~

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